
Monday Nov 23, 2015
Thankful:: I'm Still Here
Monday Nov 23, 2015
Monday Nov 23, 2015
This week we're going to be wrestling with an incredibly challenging verse from the book of 1 Thessalonians.
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
What does it look like to give thanks in all circumstances and why is that God's will for us?
One possible interpretation is that God wants you to fake it until you make it. If you can give thanks in really awful situations then maybe you will believe it isn't so terrible after all. God is basically trying to trick you into being ok with all the worst parts of life so that you don't blame Him or start spreading your dissatisfaction around.

Monday Nov 16, 2015
Thankful:: Dr. Dan Brunner
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Thankfulness is a response most likely to show up in the good times. When we have stability in our life, our needs are met and things look generally hopeful, we can easily identify what we are thankful for. What's interesting to talk through is what thankfulness looks like when we take on the good and the bad that life has to offer with a grateful heart.

Monday Nov 09, 2015
Faces of Cascade:: Dan Meredith
Monday Nov 09, 2015
Monday Nov 09, 2015
We all want to be somebody and when that doesn't seem to be happening on its own when can jump in to make it happen. This story is about a man who created many different identities, and mowed through a bunch of people to make it happen. It's a remarkable story about excess, abuse and alienation, while living out a reality that many people would say they would want.

Monday Nov 02, 2015
Faces of Cascade:: Misty Kiehl
Monday Nov 02, 2015
Monday Nov 02, 2015
We all have a story and a past. In every painful and positive turn of our journey we are faced with the choice to process through what we've experienced and continue on unburdened or we can stuff it away and it becomes part of us into the future.

Monday Oct 26, 2015
Faces of Cascade:: The Hensons and Hillmans
Monday Oct 26, 2015
Monday Oct 26, 2015
Some people prefer company and some prefer solitude. You may find people fascinating and love to hear about where they are from, who their families are and how they fill their time. For you, it is an ideal situation to be locked in a room with complete strangers.
This love of people is sometimes equated with a love of community. When you talk about community as intentional relationships with a group of people that serve, encourage and know one another, then you can see that they don't always equate. That kind of community has very little to do with a surface level of meeting folks.
So, what does it look like to engage and stay in real, deep community?
Listen to a conversation with two families who have moved into the same house for the sake of community. We'll have a chance to hear about the joys and difficulties of community. I hope you'll reflect more deeply on God's design and call to community.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Faces of Cascade:: Theresa Monteverdi
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
What do you think about when you hear the word hope?
Is it a fresh and familiar word that mostly marks your thoughts about the future? Is it a distant word that had significance in the past, but doesn't mean much anymore?
A lot of times we can get into cycles of hopefulness or we can get in cycles of hopelessness. Both being hopeful and hopeless has a kind of momentum to them that seems to gain steam the more we entertain them.
Listen to hear more about how you can choose to entertain hope instead of despair from the story of Theresa Monteverdi. She is an incredible woman with an incredible story. Whether you have hope or hopelessness today, you're not going to miss this conversation about God's desire for each of us to entertain hope.

Monday Oct 12, 2015
Faces of Cascade:: Tom McCoy
Monday Oct 12, 2015
Monday Oct 12, 2015
Work means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. For some it is purely about translating a skill or talent into a money. For others it is a about following your passion to do meaningful work in the world.
Whatever our starting place with work, we usually battle a tendency to be find identity from our work before too long. One of the major questions that we need to evaluate from time to time is, who am I apart what I do? That’s usually a scary question to answer because few of us truly know.
The reality is that Jesus Christ comes to give us identity apart from what we do and this identity is prepared to stand the test of time. The circumstances of our life could be incredibly good or painfully bad, but the identity that Christ offers us all as daughters and sons of God anchors our souls in way that can sustain anything that life can throw our way.
I invite you to listen to Tom McCoy’s story to help you walk the journey of seeing who you truly are and finding that person apart from the things you do.

Monday Oct 05, 2015
Acts & Thessalonica to Berea
Monday Oct 05, 2015
Monday Oct 05, 2015
How do you react when things don't go your way? I usually just get mad. I may act and pretend I'm fine with how things worked out, but inside I'm at least a little bitter. I have a way that I'd like things to go because I think it's the best way for things to go. If I didn't think it was best, I wouldn't be doing it, right?
I heard once that anger is the result of our will being blocked.
That has always stuck with me and I think it's so incredibly true. I get mad and frustrated when my sons don't help me get them dressed in the morning. Am I mad at the potential nudity if the situation goes unresolved? Am I frustrated that the boys will be too cold because they aren't properly dressed?
I'm mad and frustrated because I have written a story in my head that needs to be followed (it isn't normally very flexible) and my boys aren't allowing that story to become reality with their wiggling, running, playing and avoidance.
This message is about a story where one group hears information that shakes up their worldview and they riot where another group hears the same information and they investigate these new claims. Both groups are hearing a new ending to the story they had written in their heads. Their wills for the future are being blocked by new information. How do you respond to new information?

Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
Acts & Jerusalem Council
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
The earliest Christian Church had some major controversy right from the beginning. It was out of the Jewish religious system that Christianity had spread and that begged some big questions about what things needed to stay the same and what things could change as they transitioned from being Jews to being Christians. It was the start of the age old tradition of church fighting. Church people loooove to fight about things.It makes sense when you consider all that is wrapped up in church. It's one of the key places we build relationships with other people who've directed their lives toward Jesus. It's a key place for experiencing the nature of God. Opinions and feelings on a myriad of issues matter a lot more than they would in most organizations.A bank can change their wall color and its a matter of style. A church changes the wall color and it's a matter of theologyLet's look at the nature of change inside of the church and the tension that creates. How do we allow the conflict that comes with change to help grow us together instead of driving us apart?

Monday Sep 21, 2015
Acts & Saul's Conversion
Monday Sep 21, 2015
Monday Sep 21, 2015
There was a man named Saul who's life and world was consumed in a moment with crushing this burgeoning following of Jesus Christ. He was on his way to persecute people when Jesus broke into his world and changed the trajectory of Saul's life forever. The change was so complete that his name changed from Saul to Paul and he ended up writing the majority of the New Testament.