
Monday Jul 11, 2016
Rhythms:: Work
Monday Jul 11, 2016
Monday Jul 11, 2016
I was recently speaking with world famous recording artist Rhianna about what our next Rhythm message series topic should be and she was clear and repetitive.
Work, work, work, work, work. (bonus points if you said this out loud or in your head with her accent)
Our community is blessed to hear from my former professor and current mentor Dr. Dan Brunner. He's kicking off the second pair in our Rhythms series Work//Play by looking at how we were created to engage in meaningful work. There is a time for productivity in our lives where we are adding to the world and the peaceful thriving of all people.
I invite you to listen to a conversation about purposeful creativity and understanding work as something much more profound than just what we do for a job.

Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Rhythms:: Action
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
There is one aisle of the grocery store that will forever take me two times as long to walk through and make decisions in. The cereal aisle is my kryptonite.
I get option paralysis which absolutely incapacitates me. There are SO MANY choices and each one represents a different reason to choose it.
Cap'n Crunch:: Maritime breakfast of choice that declares war on the roof of your mouth
Lucky Charms:: I'm part Irish and if I buy it I can have first dibs on the marshmallows
Rice Krispies:: I want all the cereal, but none of the flavor
Frosted Mini Wheats:: I want to be healthy AND cover my breakfast in frosting
Cheerios:: I have a small child in my house and I want to find cereal everywhere
Bran:: No comment
Life Cereal:: Peer Pressure
Cookie Crisp:: I've given up on adulthood
Grape Nuts:: I love cereals with non-descriptive names and I need to declare war on my teeth
It's completely overwhelming and if I've ever gone missing for over 24 hours, your best guess is a cereal aisle.
This phenomena can also happen in our life for things that are far more important than cereal. We can be paralyzed by a great sea of options before us and a fear of regret can keep us in perpetual limbo. In this conversation we want to look at how God calls us to move in the face of possible failure or remorse and put our present convictions into action. Take a listen!

Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Do you have a friend who never seems to let the facts get in the way of their most strongly held opinions?
I have a confession. I am that friend.
I've often referenced articles that I've only skimmed if they back up a point I want to make. I'll reference books that I've never finished, especially if the title supports a point I want to make.
And honestly, it doesn't get much better when I read all of the article or book I'm using to make a point. That's because I'm usually choosing the authors and books that most affirm the belief I'm already heading towards.
In this message we want to enter into our first pair of the Rhythms series by looking at Learning in Learning//Doing set. What's the point of learning if it just reaffirms beliefs you already hold? Does learning have any value besides conversations/debates? Are followers of Jesus called to be learners?

Monday Jun 20, 2016
Rhythm:: A Time For Everything
Monday Jun 20, 2016
Monday Jun 20, 2016

Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Jesus:: Rumor Has It
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Have you ever walked into a rumor and heard the lively conversation come to a complete stop? We can all hope that you just stumbled into your surprise birthday planning meeting, but the reality is probably less kind. Take a listen to a conversation about the toll that gossip and outside expectations can take on a person. Colleen asks a profound question about what happens when the external gossip becomes internal gossip.

Tuesday May 24, 2016
Jesus:: Time to Leave
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Tuesday May 24, 2016
The nature of our closet relationships is that these are the people who can comfort or harm us the most. Nobody else has the proximity to impact us in this way.
Think of the person who knows your deepest and darkest secrets. The kinds of things that you have only shared with a few people.
I would imagine these faces come quickly to your mind. These aren't strangers or acquaintances. You have history and connection with these people that let you know they're somewhat safe and the kinds of people you can trust with this precious cargo.
Many years ago I let a Kirby vacuum salesman inside my home. If you aren't familiar with Kirby vacuums, then allow me to do my best to introduce you to them. It's a very large, very involved and very expensive vacuum cleaner that is exclusively sold by door to door sales people. I love talking with people so I ended up letting the guy in and tell me all the wonders of Kirby vacuums. If you get far enough into this pitch they will offer to demonstrate how their vacuum works and I had a spot that I just couldn't get out of our carpet.
While the vacuum did take out that stain, his shoes left several more, and much more difficult to remove stains in our carpet. I was officially done with our interaction after an hour and a half, but I still had to meet with his manager and repeatedly refuse many payment plans and special deals to get them to leave. My wife walked in at the tail end of this fiasco and will still rush to the door if a salesman is coming our way.
This can be a bit like our closest relationships. We've let someone in, it's gone terribly and there's a mess everywhere. It can make us wary about letting anybody else into our lives.
Take a listen to a story about some people who were getting close to Jesus and the moment they decided to end the relationship. I encourage any of you who have hurt or have been hurt by people closest to listen to this model of Jesus and grow closer to the God who knows abandonment.

Tuesday May 17, 2016
Jesus:: The World's Messiah
Tuesday May 17, 2016
Tuesday May 17, 2016
Can you imagine Captain America showing up in the United States and announcing his intention to go provide his superhero services to the people of Bangladesh? It would be a disorienting experience. That's supposed to be the person to serve and protect our country. His colors are red, white and blue. He's an American citizen!

Tuesday May 10, 2016
Jesus:: What is Sacred?
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Tuesday May 10, 2016

Tuesday May 03, 2016
Jesus:: Dinner and Gossip
Tuesday May 03, 2016
Tuesday May 03, 2016
Have you ever had someone say, "We were just talking about you the other night" and you feel a little nervous? What train of thought lead them there?
"Speaking of annoying people..."
"Yeah, you know who else can't dance..."
"I didn't know sushi could make me that sick, which reminds me..."
There's something tied to the thought of people talking about you when you're not around that can either be the most encouraging or discouraging thing possible. You know that these kinds of conversations can shape how people engage with you in the future, and yet you're powerless to inform them.
This Sunday we look at a story where Jesus faced pressure to let other people's conversations and thoughts about him direct his actions. I'm excited to sit together and wrestle with this tension! I hope you'll come and join me.

Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Science Mike McHargue@ Cascade
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
This week we have a special treat, Science Mike delivers his message on creation, evolution Van Gogh's Starry Night and the infallibility of the Bible.